Car Camping Gone Wild

Car Camping in West Virginia

Why Car Camping?

Not all cars are created equal of course but there are many benefits (for me) to sleeping in my car. I’m off the ground and the doors are locked. It’s a bit more comfortable and I don’t have to worry about my dog wandering off.  It’s also an excellent way to enjoy the outdoors without sacrificing too many of the creature comforts. I have an old back injury that much prefers a soft flat memory foam mattress over the ground!

Call the camp site ahead of time. If they don’t allow cars on the camp grounds, they may have RV spots for rent. Prices can range anywhere from $20 and up each night.


Hotspot and Data / Internet for Traveling

Since I work remotely and needed to work on the road, I purchased a Netgear Unite Explore mobile hot spot. I had used one in the past and loved it, so I just went with a model I was familiar with. There are so many options, so you will need to research coverage maps for your region and plans. Even though I had AT&T cellular service, using my phone as a hotspot was so frustrating and slow, and it drained my battery. The Netgear Unite Explore was $92 when I purchased mine from Amazon.

Digital Storage and Backups

Even though I knew I would have a Hotspot, I worried I would not be able to save stuff to the cloud or I would have another OneDrive issue which caused me to lose hours of work. When you’ve spent hours writing code or animating graphics, it’s a pretty tough blow if you lose a file or something gets corrupted. Enter the Sandisk Extreme Portable Solid State Drive. It was on sale for $79.99 when I purchased mine.

Portable Solar Generator
Check out this full blog on the Bluetti Solar Generator


I was gifted this neat little power bank and jumper kit, and I make sure to charge it before I leave home. Of course, we all keep travel chargers in our cars now, and I like earbuds – just in case. 


Sleeping Arrangements



There are so many options for sleeping. Some may prefer a nice hammock or sleeping in a tent, however, with social distancing and wanting a little extra comfort and safety, I opted for a roll-up thick memory foam bed. I measured the back of my SUV, and this worked perfectly.



I’m a much happier camper when I get a good night’s sleep. 😉 I keep a pillow and blanket in my overhead cargo storage. It keeps it tucked away and not in the way. They will probably be handy for traveling in West Virginia winters on the turnpike also! It also prevents your personal items from being drenched in an accidental water bottle spill – ask me how I know! 🙂


Window Coverings

Update: This has been trial and error.

I tried and failed to cut out custom-fit cardboard to push into the windows.  Maybe it would be easier with an extra set of hands?  Campers online made it look so easy! 🙂

Next, I tried and semi-succeeded using black sheets and clips with sun visors.

And for the Fall 2022 go-round, I have some window coverings on my Amazon Camping Wish List. But I do also have a good ol’ fashioned tent and sleeping bags I may break out.


Food, Kitchen, and Cleaning Supplies


Dr. Bonner’s Pure Castile Soap

It is naturally bio-degradable, and can be used to clean your face, body, and even your dishes and laundry. It’s really the perfect soap for travelling. I like the Baby Unscented soap, and can add different essential oils like Wild Orange for an uplifting summer scent or Lavender and Peppermint which is cooling and refreshing after a hot and sweaty hike.


I really love cold brew, especially in the summer. I make a cold brew concentrate in a KitchenAid Cold Brew Maker.  I store it in a mason jar or food-grade stainless steel and add plant-based milk and sugar-free syrup.


I use Hydro Cell to carry along filtered cold water, but like to have water for cleaning, baths or drinking water for Luna, and brushing my teeth. I fill my collapsible water jug with a spout to have water on hand for this.

Stay tuned for more to come.